Ordinary girl in a crazy world.

I wish that I could start this entry with some wildly cool info about myself, but as things go, I’m pretty boring! My days are jam-packed with things to do, but I’m a mom, and that seems to come with the territory.

I’m 34 years old. A mother to an amazingly gorgeous little girl, and engaged to the man of my dreams. I grew up in rural Newfoundland, a picturesque island in the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast of Canada, but for the past year I’ve been living in Calgary, Alberta.

I’ve had a lot of changes in my life the past year and a half. I had a baby, got engaged, left a great paying government job and moved across the country. Then tragically lost my step mom to a massive heart attack. My life has been pretty transformative as of late.

But with changes comes growth, and with growth you learn so much about yourself and you begin to realize what’s important to you; what you can’t live without, and basically what makes you tick.

Having Gemma has made me into a completely different person. I’m a paranoid freak now. I was once a pretty laid back person, but now being a mom, I’m on edge most of the time. I want to be the best mom I can be, and that’s challenging. There comes a lot of “Mom guilt”. Yes, that’s a thing, and let me tell you, it can be crippling at times. Guilt over wanting time to yourself, guilt over not wanting to go to the park some days, guilty of wanting that last piece of chocolate etc. Sounds unnecessary to most people, to worry about things like that, but I struggle with it, and apparently, a lot of other moms do as well.
I’ll delve into “mom guilt” more in later posts.

I have a super supportive fiancé. If I wanted to go to a yoga or cooking class, start a university course, or a new Blogging adventure for instance, he’s behind me 100%. Without him I’d be lost most days. He’s the one who pushes me to be my best, and he’s the one who is always there to pick up the pieces if fall into a million of them. (Swoon)

Quitting my job, and moving across the country with your ‘Hubby’, 10 month old baby and your two cats changes you! You’re uprooting your entire life! Leaving all your family and friends behind. No more familiar surroundings, I was tossed into the unknown.
Yes, I have lived away from home before, several hours away, during my college days; but nothing prepares you for the life changing 6,500km’s. A brand-new city, and a new kind of living for a girl who grew up in a small town of 1,200 people. It was culture shock. It was life changing. It was AWESOME!

Life changing moments, I’ve had a few of those lately. The death of a loved one changes you for sure. Sometimes you can learn from a huge loss, like that of your Step-Mom. You learn to not take things for granted. Clichéd, but life is short people! Take control of your life now, live for the moment, love those around you, forgive, and find joy. Don’t have any regrets.

We’ll leave this entry here. I could type for days about everything “Kerri”, but I don’t need to bore you to death in my second EVER blog post. (Yay for Milestones!)

STAY TUNED! There’s more to come.

My Experience at the Calgary Comic Expo, All things Coffee, and my recent trip to London, England and Paris, France!

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